Exploring Dental Tool Improvements

Hi, it's Mia Armonde here to talk to you about family dentistry. As my small family grew into a large one, I found myself at the dental office on a regular basis. Every six months, the kids would go into the dentist for a cleaning or repairs to their teeth. During that time, I took an interest in the various ways the dental tools were evolving. Tools used in the dental industry have grown in leaps and bounds in the last few decades. For example, my kids went from hearing the dental drill to wearing headphones that completely canceled out the sound. Each time we go back into the dentist, I take a close look at the improvements that have arisen since the last visit. The results are astounding. I will cover my findings on this site, so you can also enjoy the improvements to dental tools and techniques.

4 Signs You May Have A Dental Infection

Dentist Blog

If it's been a while since you've seen the dentist, you could be putting your teeth and your health in jeopardy. That's especially true if you have cavities or gum disease. You might not realize this but poor dental hygiene can lead to oral infections, especially below the gum line. Those infections can cause abscesses to develop on your gums. Without proper treatment, the infection can spread to your bloodstream. Here are four signs of infection you should watch out for.

Unexplained Fever

Toothaches usually don't cause fevers. If you've had a toothache for a few days and now you have a fever, you should try taking an over-the-counter fever reducer. If the fever doesn't go away, or it continues to rise, you should visit a dentist as soon as possible.

Increasing Tooth and Gum Pain

Your toothache pain started out as a dull ache. Now that you've had it for a while, you've noticed that the ache has turned into a throbbing pain. The pain has also spread to the gums. If over-the-counter pain reliever does not alleviate the pain, be sure to notify your dentist. Increased pain, or pain that spreads to other areas of your mouth may be a sign of infection in one or more of your teeth.

Swelling of the Mouth and Gums

You've noticed a small amount of swelling around one of your teeth. Try rinsing your mouth with salt water to relieve the swelling. Place 1 teaspoon of salt in 8 ounces of warm water and swish the solution around in your mouth. Repeat the process several times throughout the day. If the swelling gets worse, you should speak to your dentist.

Sudden Onset of Bad Breath

Bad breath is often a sign of infection, especially if you've never had a problem with bad breath before. Brush your teeth and gargle with a mouth wash. If the bad breath returns, or you notice a foul taste in your mouth, you should schedule an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible. This is particularly true if you notice a discharge around the affected tooth.

To keep your teeth healthy, you should be seeing your dentist like Bonnie Marshall S at least twice a year. With routine dental care, you can avoid problems like tooth decay and gum disease. If you notice any of the signs described above, you should speak to your dentist as soon as possible.


22 January 2016