Hidden Reasons Your Headaches And Teeth Could Be Connected

Dentist Blog

If you have been having ongoing headaches, that have become worse over time, you may have thought about seeing a doctor. What you may not have thought about is seeing a dentist. In fact, you may not have realized that your headaches and your teeth could be connected in some way. This is especially true if you have no outward signs that you are having dental issues. Before you overlook what a general dentist can do for you, consider these hidden reasons your headaches and teeth could be connected.

16 February 2017

5 Tips For Adjusting To New Dentures

Dentist Blog

If you have had several teeth pulled and need full or partial dentures, there will likely be an adjustment period as you get used to wearing them. Luckily, after wearing your new dentures for several weeks, you should feel more comfortable and confident. Use the following tips for make adjusting to new dentures easier: Eat Soft Foods In the first few days of wearing new dentures, it is a good idea to focus on eating soft foods, such as mashed potatoes, pudding, and ice cream.

9 January 2017