Dental Downers: Three Tooth Destroying Acts You Need To Stop Doing Now

Dentist Blog

Your teeth are the hardest part of your body. But they are also very vulnerable and susceptible to damage and diseases. Unfortunately, there are several things that people do on a daily basis that actually cause damage. This damage leads to weaker enamel, which can lead to gum disease. Below are the top three things you need to stop doing now in order to protect your mouth and make your teeth stronger to battle damage and disease.

20 July 2016

Making Sure Your Smile Shines Bright For Senior Pictures: Dental Treatments For You

Dentist Blog

When you have finally reached the milestone of starting your senior year of high school, one of the things that will best commemorate it is your senior pictures. These senior pictures and portraits will be what your family and you use to remember your high school days in the future. As such, you want to look your absolute best when you go in for your photo session. And your smile is a big part of that.

30 June 2016

Simple Changes You Can Make That Help Prevent Tooth Decay

Dentist Blog

When you eat, the bacteria in your mouth combine with the sugar that's in your food to create a tooth-attacking acid that can cause tooth decay over time. While brushing your teeth, flossing, and using mouthwash a few times per day helps prevent your teeth from decaying, it doesn't guarantee that you won't get a cavity. The good news is that you can decrease your chances of getting tooth decay by making a few small changes in your oral hygiene routine.

6 May 2016

3 Ways To Get Your Dental Care When You Can Barely Afford It

Dentist Blog

If you are in need of dental care but think you cannot afford it, rest assured that there are some options available to you. Avoiding the dentist can result in a multitude of problems for your oral health, including painful cavities, broken teeth, and an overall lack of confidence due to a broken smile. Since dental insurance is not available to everyone, there are some low-cost or even free options you can utilize to care for your teeth.

6 May 2016

Important Facts You Should Know About Grafts As An Advanced Treatment For Gum Disease

Dentist Blog

If you have severe gum disease, you probably know that just brushing your teeth more often or allowing the dentist to do a series of deep cleanings will not be enough to solve the problem. Instead, it is likely that you will need to consider surgical options for treating the problem, including bone or tissue grafts, as described below. Bone Grafts It is first important to consider that bone grafts are often needed to reinforce the strength of the jawbone for additional dental work to occur.

6 May 2016

Helping Your Teen Through The Awkward Years

Dentist Blog

As they grow, teens go through awkward years that can be difficult for them to navigate alone. Help your teen with the following three common issues, and they may thank you when they're older. Helping With Their Physical Appearance Appearances are very important to most teenagers. Unfortunately, these are the years where they might need braces or have acne. These two things, separately or together can influence your teen's sense of self-esteem.

19 April 2016

4 Pieces Of Dental Advice You Weren't Expecting

Dentist Blog

Most people know that taking care of your teeth is vital to ensuring that you are able to retain your natural teeth for a lifetime. However, many people are more concerned about how their teeth appear when they smile and talk to people. There is reason for this, since your smile gives off people's very first impression of you. Here are four pieces of dental advice you weren't expecting, though:

30 March 2016

Dental Tips: Balanced Ph Equals Healthier Teeth & How You Can Achieve It

Dentist Blog

Taking care of your teeth does take a little effort. But having a bright smile and healthy teeth does make it all worth it. One thing you might not be doing, even though it is simple, is making sure your mouth's pH value is balanced. This is important to fend off oral pathogens; this can be easily achieved with the help of your dentist and this guide. Why Does pH Matter?

22 January 2016

4 Signs You May Have A Dental Infection

Dentist Blog

If it's been a while since you've seen the dentist, you could be putting your teeth and your health in jeopardy. That's especially true if you have cavities or gum disease. You might not realize this but poor dental hygiene can lead to oral infections, especially below the gum line. Those infections can cause abscesses to develop on your gums. Without proper treatment, the infection can spread to your bloodstream. Here are four signs of infection you should watch out for.

22 January 2016

Is Dental Bonding The Right Choice For You?

Dentist Blog

You are judged on a lot of things when it comes to your appearance. One of those things includes your teeth. If you have damaged or discolored teeth, people will judge you for it. You may feel bad about yourself or very self-conscious because of your bad teeth. There are several things that you can do to help correct the appearance of your teeth. One of those things is dental bonding.

22 January 2016